Title IX Event Sandy welcomes all to the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Title IX Women enjoy 25 years of fair play thnaks to Title IX Sweet Victory to celebrate Calumet and Gary/Merriville branches with Valparaiso Calumet and Gary/Merriville branches with Valparaiso Student athletes from area high schools and colleges Student athletes from area high schools and colleges Student athletes from area high schools and colleges Student athletes from area high schools and colleges Linda Godby joins us for brunch Student athletes from area high schools and colleges Student athletes from area high schools and colleges Coaches also join us for Brunch Coaches also join us for Brunch Coaches also join us for Brunch Title IX Flavors Title IX Flavors AAUW members with Linda Godby State President, Sharon Langlotz Students pose with Linda Godby Students pose with Linda Godby Winner of the Title IX poster Linda Cronk introducing speaker, Linda Godby Brunch Buffet NCAA's Linda Godby shares her basketball story Calumet and Gary/Merriville branches with Valparaiso Student athletes from area high schools and colleges Nice crowd there to celebrate State President, Sharon Langlotz Brunch Buffet « ‹ of 2 › »