
AAUW Valparaiso Affiliate Fund

History: In 1996, the Valparaiso Affiliate established a fund to encourage women’s education.  It is now a permanent fund within the Porter County Community Foundation.  Memorials, gifts and fund-raisers add to the total invested.  As an endowment fund, monies contributed are permanent and cannot be withdrawn..  However, a PCCF formula determines an allowable distribution of earnings each year.  Currently, our affiliate uses these earnings for these educational purposes:
  • Scholarships to Porter County women
  • Support for college student attendance at AAUW’s national NCCESL conference
  • Sister-To-Sister book sharing event with high school women.
The Scholarship Committee is made up of six affiliate members appointed by the affiliate board.  The committee advertises its offering each year, reviews applications, interviews promising candidates, and awards scholarships.  Since the affiliate began granting scholarships in 2000, $109,700 has been awarded to Porter County women to financially assist them in pursuing their educational goals.  Many of the awards have been for college-level tuition and expenses, some have been given for graduate studies, and others for professional training or advanced qualification in the trades.

Click here to download the scholarship application.

Contributions:  Members and friends may make gifts to this fund by mailing their checks to :
AAUW Valparaiso Affiliate Fund
Porter County Community Foundation
Notation may state the nature of the gift (“In honor of the birthday of ____.”), ((In memory of ____,”), etc. 
For information about the affiliate fund, contact Lida Williams (Affiliate Treasurer) or Annette Kumatycki (Chair, Scholarship Committee).